Hey Guys
Last week I went to Sephora and picked up this beautiful eyeshadow combo which was new I think it is the contour colors, and it was by Sephora, I was amazed at how pigmented the shadow was. I never really liked Sephora brand e/s, but I think they changed the formula, because I likey. Here is the look below
On Eyes:
- Sephora Contour e/s
- Nars China Blue(this is my favorite blue shadow)
- Brown color from HIP Loreal in crease
- The new blue mineralize shadow in the tear duct
- Soft brown in crease
- Light color from HIP Loreal as highlight (can't remember the name of the e/s)
- I have on the new foundation from Lancome (love, love, love will be buying the full bottle)
- MSF Skin Finish in Deep Dark
- MAC Notable Blush and Tippy Blush
- BBQ Lipliner
- Call My Bluff l/s
- Viva Glam Special Edition l/g
Wowza! This is hot hot hot! I love China Blue too! Is that the new Teint Idole from Lancome? Whatever it is your skin looks great.
Yes that Lancome foundation is the BOMB, I love it, I had a sample and it goes on like butter you should try it.
LOVE THE COLORS GIRL. I love color, neutrals bore me. Please stop promoting new foundations, u gonna make me go broke..LOL j/k. I just bought the NARS sheer glow.
hahahahahaha @Fashion Groupie, I feel the same way regarding promoting new stuff, i always end up in the store.
hey tysh! this look is gorg. i've been meaning to check out the eyeshadows by sephora. i heard sephora was owned by lv... so they may allow the cosmetics to be a bit more luxurious? ;)
did you get a new cam? i can see your looks better :)
@Yummy, yes I did chile, I got the new Samsung, and I got an Iphone, YIPPIE, I love it, so I am going to be blogging more now, you should definately check out the new e/s from Sephora they have some really nice ones going back for more, I really need to stop, LOL
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